• Topics: HEALTH CARE
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 305
  • Date added: June 22, 2020

Professionals in health and social care are responsible for developing a prospective future in this sector. Every professional must ensure developing their skills, behaviour and attitudes in pursuing their clients. Personal values should be implemented in health and social care. The concept of love and care would be established through continuous development in personal traits. Different learning styles can put effect on the development of professionals in health and social care.

1.1 Comparing personal values and principles of support for working in health and social care

Personal values and attitudes are crucial in attaining a proper performance of an individual in health and social care. An individual pursuing health and social care profession needs to interact and communicate with his clients with proper manner. I believe that working in health and social care requires achieving self-beliefs and values. Personal qualities and skills should be implemented in working field to the need of the clients. According to Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2014), in the UK, National Health Service (NHS) – the world’s fifth biggest employer with an estimated 1.7 million employees has included leadership and collaboration as key competencies for engaging staff and improving patient satisfaction. For example, if a client get dissatisfied due to impersonal behaviour, the effect on that professional would be significant.

1.2 Personal culture and experience influences on own role in supporting users in health and social care.

As a professional in health and social care, one needs to pay respect to other`s beliefs. One cannot enforce anything upon others. I strongly recommend that, we should be always prepared for the well-being of the clients. If any professional stay focused on clients, he or she would be remembered. I will make sure that the relationship between me and my clients would be friendly. In UK`s respective, people here are individual

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