Taking Things for Granted Essay Example

  • Topics: Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 758
  • Date added: June 15, 2020

Many people around the world have something in their life that they take for granted. Many do not know a good thing until it is gone. Whether it is from taking our education for granted or from taking tomorrow for granted, many have something they don’t realize could be taken from them anytime.  People take things for granted because they have yet to lose someone or something that they did not expect. One thing I used to take for granted, but do not anymore, is my family. Right now, at any second, someone in your family could be taken away from you forever, without any notice.  People should cherish their families and everything else that has an important influence on their life. People in your family are the people in your life that will be there for you no matter what and love you more than anyone else ever will.

When I was in eighth grade, I almost lost my father. I was on the softball field and the game was supposed to start. I looked over to my mom who was standing against the fence. She was on the phone, but I did not know who it was. She did not look too good, but I assumed it was not going to be a big deal. She hung up the phone and seconds later, my coach ran onto the field and came over to me. “Ashley you need to go,” he said. I ran off the field.

I ran over to my mom who was crying. I asked her what was wrong, what happened? “Dad had a heart attack; we need to go right away.” I did not know what to say or think. The last thing he said to me was, “Good luck in your game tomorrow, Ash!” I was not sure if those were the last words I was going to hear from my dad at only fourteen years old.

We got to the hospital about an hour later because of the traffic. I was nervous on the way going to his room. How was he going to look?  Was he going to have needles in him and wires? We got to his room; he was just lying there. The doctor came in and assured us he was going to be okay.

Until he was able to come home, we visited him every day in the hospital. Before we left, I gave him a kiss and told him I loved him every time. It was so hard to see my dad go through all of this. When he came home, things were sure different. He had to eat on a certain diet and take several pills every day. This included me and my other family members reminding him often that he had to take them because he usually forgot since he was not used to it.

It wasn’t too long before he was back in the hospital because he forgot to take his medicine.  Even though this was not life threatening like his last incident, it was still enough to make our family stressed. My father returned in the hospital, meant my family and I were still stressed once again because of him. The doctors told him that if he forgets to take them again, he would most likely have another heart attack.

After going through all of this at fourteen years old, I learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about myself along with my family. I never realized how much I cared about him until I almost lost him. I never realized how much his presence in our house meant to me until I came home and he was not there. Seeing my aunts and uncles at the hospital showed me how much he really means to our family. Looking back at the event now, I learned to be grateful for what I have because some families have already lost a family member and some families don’t have the support system that mine does.

Many people take tomorrow and time for granted. After school, they will go home and see their brother, sister, mom or dad.  After work, their children will be home. People often assume everything’s going to be okay and nothing is going to happen unexpectedly to them. Not me. Every time the phone rings, I still get nervous. I’m scared something happened. And now, before I go to bed every night, I always tell my brother, mom and dad, “Goodnight, I love you.”

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