Interesting Topics for Opinion Essay

  • Topics: Opinion Essay
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 427
  • Date added: May 28, 2020

An opinion essay allows the writer to display their personal opinion on a subject. The key is clearly presenting details and related viewpoints to help support reasons behind the opinion. Opinion essay topics are often controversial in nature, making them an interesting read when details are presented in a concise matter. Completing such essay includes completing several steps to help highlight or support your opinion.

Choosing a topic is the first step. Good opinion essay topics evoke deep thoughts and feelings depending on the subject. Also known as controversial essay topics, the subject matter is often something people may argue about but have a strong feeling toward a certain side or position. Collecting research, acknowledging arguments other opinions and creating a thesis or transition statement will follow after deciding on a topic. Understanding other steps that will be taken during the essay writing process may help you choose a good topic. Example topics:

  • Should sex education be taught in schools?
  • Plastic surgery is being used more for cosmetic reasons.
  • Should animals be used when conducting experiments?
  • Are you for or against a jury system?
  • Should there be a minimum age for driving?
  • Who should be able to own a gun?
  • Is enough being done to help the homeless?
  • Who make better parents: Males or Females?
  • Should women have the right to choose abortion?

Personal opinion essay topics may include sensitive subject matter that people are known to get emotional about such as abortion, death penalty, animal rights and a variety of others. Creating an opinion essays includes a number of steps. An introduction paragraph is crafted that states the opinion or your thesis. The main body of the essay in created including several detailed paragraphs that explain you’re opposing viewpoints with examples. The conclusion is the end paragraph that summarizes or restates your opinion. Each area includes putting in a good amount of time in order to have a presentable and effective essay.

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