Interesting Comparison Essay Topics

  • Topics: Comparison Essay
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 426
  • Date added: May 28, 2020

Comparison essay topics do just that; they compare two subject matters by reviewing characteristics that are different and similar. In doing this, when you choose your topics you should be able to provide enough information from both sides in order to have a complete essay. The essay can be written about anything from events, places, people and other traits or ideas that can be contrasted against one another. In short, you may be comparing elements that have nothing in common, but this aspect can make your essay quite interesting depending on the topics chosen.

When writing an essay of this nature, some suggest you take time to review, compare and list details about your topics before you start writing the essay. The thesis statement is one of the trickiest parts for this type of essay, especially if you chose topics that may be a challenge to compare in an interesting way. Often, comparison essay topics often have something similar even when you think they are from two different worlds. Examples of topic ideas:

  • Flowers to weeds;
  • Lying to acting;
  • Tornados to floods;
  • Book influences to music influences;
  • Real games to video games;
  • Dog to cat;
  • Twitter to Facebook;
  • Saddest day ever to the best day ever;
  • Being famous to being rich;
  • Spring season to fall season.

After choosing your topics you’ll collect data to complete the essay. This includes collecting details from reliable sources. If you have an outline created prior to completing your assignment, it can make organizing your data easier after completing research. Organizing information helps present details in a structured manner. Keep in mind, completing an essay of this nature requires a significant amount of time and energy. You need to analysis your findings, choose adequate information to include and follow the appropriate format set for the assignment.

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