11215 Hessong Bridge Rd Essay Example

  • Topics: Essay
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 469
  • Date added: June 15, 2020

The house at 11215 Hessong Bridge Road in Lewistown, Maryland is like my home away from home. At least once a year ever since I was born, my family and I have traveled up from our home in North Carolina to this special house. On every trip my excitement increases as the moment of arrival draws closer. Before I know it, we’re there in the driveway. I get out of the car and pause for just a moment before the red brick ranch house in front of me. We finally made it! I can’t contain myself any longer; I run up the stairs and wait for my beloved grandparents to open the door.

At first glance, my grandpa may appear a little intimidating with his tall frame and wide figure. While he does have a stern and serious side, he’s also warm-hearted and full of laughter. One of the things he always has with him is his sleek black camera. After all, my grandpa is a semi-professional photographer. A part of growing up with a camera-toting grandfather is that I’ve learned quite a few things: never take just one picture – never; always be ready to smile and pose; when nature decides to flaunt its beauty, drop everything and take a picture; beware of the candid camera – it is not a friend. My grandpa is much more than an amazing photographer to me though. He is an upright man who served his country, a faithful husband of forty-six years, and a constant source of wisdom in my life when I am worried and uncertain.

If my grandpa is known for his photography, then my grandma is known for her cooking. She can always be found in the kitchen, the heart of the home, preparing a bountiful breakfast or a delicious dinner for the family. The mouth-watering scents always fill up the house, making everyone’s stomachs grumble with the promise of food. My grandma’s cooking is definitely something I look forward to, but I also enjoy the simple moments we share together. I especially like our shopping trips to the outlets and watching British crime dramas in bed at night. No matter where we are or what we are doing, my grandma is a calming presence who is always there to love and support me.

It is because of my grandparents that leaving to go back home is so bittersweet. I know I’ll see them again when they come down to North Carolina, but I’m still sad that our visit has to end so soon. However, my grandparents make sure I never leave empty-handed. I always depart with an armful of books, some pocket money for the road, and, above all else, the priceless memories of love and family that I will always treasure.

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