Thesis Topics to Help You With Your Proposal

  • Topics: Thesis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 811
  • Date added: January 22, 2021

So you are in your last year of college? If yes, then you must be overwhelmed and happy since after all you will become a graduate and will be able to attain admission to a university. But is it that simple? Well, not really. In your last college year, you will be required to write a thesis that will be considered as an essence of what you have learned in college.

The thesis is basically a statement or a claim that is put forward as a premise to be either proved or maintained. But before you write a thesis you are required to submit a thesis proposal. Wondering what the thesis proposal and how to format it? Let me put an end to all your queries. A thesis proposal is a type of paper that an essay writer writes to let the readers know that he has a project to investigate. This type of paper aims to persuade the readers that the topic you have selected is worth the investigation

I hope that now you are familiar with what a thesis proposal is. Now let’s proceed with another question that is how to format a thesis proposal. Before you start writing your thesis proposal it is imperative that you first became familiar with the standard proposal writing format. Follow the steps below to learn more about how to structure your thesis proposal.

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Research methodology
  • Research results
  • Research discussion
  • Ethical considerations
  • Conclusion
  • References

Are you forgetting something? Did you select a topic for your thesis? If not, then what are you waiting for? The topic needs to be approved by your professor first therefore it is highly important to choose a topic timely. There are plenty of thesis topics available online but I have shortlisted a few that are up-to-date and are also interesting to investigate. So without further ado let’s get started.

Engineering and Information technology

  • Cybersecurity in smart grid
  • Wireless communication for underground mine workers via ZigBee
  • The electronic assisted hydraulic braking system
  • Fabrication of gear level indicator for automobiles
  • AC coil cleaning system
  • Paddle controlled door opening system


  • Prolonged effects of steroids on the human body
  • Do the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks associated with it?
  • Risks associated with artificial tanning.
  • Anorexia and its association with an eating disorder
  • Investigating the history of ADHD
  • Coma recovery latest strategies


  • Depiction of bisexuality on the Bible
  • The relation between religion and rational thinking
  • Religious extremism and its political basis
  • The notion of religion and philosophy in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  • Existence if evil and its depiction in Bible
  • Causes of religious extremism


  • The American dream depiction in modern literature
  • Fiction as an instrument of propaganda
  • Is fanfiction different from contemporary fiction?
  • The portrayal of women in old literature.
  • Romance in renaissance
  • Dark romanticism in modern literature.


  • What are the factors behind the initiation of World War II?
  • Aztec empire architecture
  • Impact of Asian art on contemporary art
  • Causes of US Russia cold war
  • US-China trade war and its impact on the world’s economy
  • Is liberalism the only optimal solution?


  • Racial discrimination and its origin
  • The roots of antisemitism
  • Cultural revolution throughout history
  • Greek culture
  • How pop culture influence teens
  • The impact of advertisements on modern art


  • Autism is a disease or a development idiosyncrasy
  • Drug addiction: a disease or a choice
  • Impact of music on brain functions
  • Eidetic memory
  • How depression impacts the immune system
  • Impact of dreams on an individual’s mood.

Have you selected a topic yet? if not then I have another option for you. You can contact any online essay writing service to help you out. Remember! Your grades are based on your thesis so don’t take it for-granted rather take help from professionals. They will not only help in selecting a topic but can also write a good thesis proposal for you.

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