Hardships only make your stronger

  • Topics: society
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 605
  • Date added: June 15, 2020

Living in a society where everything is money based can be overwhelming. There’s always competition between people who has a better car, house, the best clothes, or the newest phone. It’s ridiculous how people have become material based. It comes to the point where you try to obtain every possible luxury item you want, but in the end it’s not even worth it.

About ten years ago I moved into a newly constructed house, and lets just say it was on the bigger side. It was great when we first moved in, but a few years later, about 2007 the stock market crashed. My family was greatly affected by this as my mother had lost her job. This took a large amount of our family income. At the same time my father had decided to quit his job due to anxiety and unable to work in the conditions at his company. The only solution we had was to put the house up for sale. I wasn’t very happy with this, but it had to be done. Our house ended up being on the market for many years, but just didn’t seem to get sold. Eventually we had to put it up for a deed in lieu of foreclosure. In this case, we were able to just walk away from the house, but it would affect our credit.


It’s sad to say that my family had to downgrade from a bigger house to a townhouse, but that’s how life is. We need to accept it, learn from it, and move on. Living here for two years just gave us an opportunity to start fresh until we were financially capable to buy a new house. At times I would be embarrassed to tell people about my downgrade and ashamed of what has happened in my life. In reality, everyone goes through difficult times and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Yes I had to leave a luxurious house, but that made me realize we can’t get everything we want. Life’s not all about who’s better, richer, or smarter. It may seem like that, but it shouldn’t get in the way of living.

This past family experienced has impacted my family and I in both positive and negative ways. We were able to learn a life lesson about money and material possessions. There’s a big difference between a want and a need. We didn’t necessarily need a big house, but instead we wanted it even though our budget didn’t say so. This experience has just taught me to accept the hardships and hope that everything will get better in the long run. In fact, conditions did get better. We were able to buy a house the past September 2014 after two years in the townhouse. The downside is that my parent’s credit has been affected and that has put a big impact on be able to get student loans for me attending a college in the upcoming fall of 2015. This downside won’t get me down, nor will it prevent me from furthering my education at Northern Illinois University. Luckily I only have a few thousand to pay for the year, which won’t be too bad.

Having had this experience only made me see the better outcomes of things. Not everything will go the way we plan it, but that only means there are better things yet to come. I’m excited to see what Northern Illinois University has in store for me and I’m ready to be more educated.

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