Good Debate Examples for your Formal Debate

  • Topics: Formal Debate Debate
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 622
  • Date added: April 9, 2021

We all go through debates without even knowing we are taking part in it. Where to eat? What to wear? Where to go? These topics are informal and tend to arise occasionally in our day to day lives. You may be on one side of the spectrum while your friends or family members might be on the opposing side while the decision-making process is going on.

Formal debates are no exception and a speech or essay writer might be taking a single side while trying to prove his point of view. Debates are an essential part of academics and you may be asked to write or even take part in a formal debate. But, no need to worry as you will find some ideas regarding topics as well as the tips required to ace your debate.


The death penalty should be abolished: A famous topic that has not reached a conclusion but you may be able to do so by bringing something new to the playing field

Legal aspects of human cloning: Another controversial topic with people on either side of the field trying to convince others

Violent video games should be banned: Yes, debates need not be mundane, and here is an exciting example if you are a video gaming fan.

High school athletes should be paid: Athletes do tend to work their hearts out for little reward. So, do you believe they deserve that extra incentive or not?

Obesity should be labeled as a disease: One of the dilemmas of the modern age and how to overcome it?

Social Media use in adolescents: Mobile phones have become pacifiers and social media is no exception. Do children really need it or is it just a way for parents to keep them quiet?


The above examples show that you have a vast horizon when making a topic choice. It all depends upon the situation, the subjects, and what are the actual instructions provided to you. The debate examples give you an idea regarding what to expect when being asked to take part in a debate. Preparing and writing a debate is tedious so you may want to contact an essay writing service that would professionally manage the given task and write your debate on your chosen topic.

Now it comes down to actually executing the debate. Take time to do thorough research on the topic and especially your own side. Do not forget to give some thought to the opposition as it would help you get a better understanding of why you might be superior.

The aim is not to ridicule anyone by any means. You just have to get your point of view across to the audience and that is all. For this reason, use rhetorical elements to make a convincing argument.

Back all your claims with examples as people would get a better view of the situation if you provide certain backing to your topic. Well thought out examples would get the debate rolling and could tip the balance in your favor.

Give adequate time to the opposing point of view and try to negate it by providing a strong foundation against it. In the end, it would be your side that would prevail and the opponent may find it hard to make any worthy comments.

Remember the idea of debate is to learn something new in the process and not just show your own superiority. It is not a matter of individual pride but to prove to people why somethings might be better than the others. Just do your best research and then let it rip in front of the crowd.

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