Essay on Sports

  • Topics: Sport
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 713
  • Date added: May 25, 2020

I have always wanted to play sports. When I was younger, I wanted to do gymnastics and dance. I remember asking my parents to sign me up for sports. My parents both worked all the time and could not take me to practices and games. It made it impossible for me to pursue sports. After a few years, I no longer wanted to and I wanted to dunk. When you go to the games, you can now and then hear people saying things like number six stinks, they should quit. After hearing such a voice, I left basketball and returned to dancing. Sooner than later, I got back into b-ball.

The time to sign up came around and I continued debating if I should do it or not. I noticed that most of my friends signed up, but that did not persuade me to sign my name. I left the gym without a signature on the paper. I decided not to play basketball because I was fearful I wouldn’t be as good as everyone else. I did not want to be the reason that the team lost. I had never attempted to play basketball and as a beginner I could be the reason the team got defeated by their opponents. I also thought that if I was at a game and I made a mistake my teammates would never forgive me.

Later, I went and visited one of my mom’s friends. Her daughter has non-verbal autism. Non-verbal autism is a disorder where you can’t speak. She has disabilities that make things she has to face every day a lot more challenging. She is still one of the greatest and kindest people I’ve ever met. Her name is Carin. The sports she participates in are swimming, bowling and basketball! I also remember when I went to one of her practices. In that gym, I observed kids with all sorts of different disorders.

Playing basketball with her. I noticed that when she missed a shot it did not bring her down she caught her ball and kept firing. You could tell she believed in herself. Carin knew she could do it and she did. When she made it her face swelled with happiness and the expression on her face seemed to brighten. She ran back to her mom and me and jumped in excitement. She still participates in basketball today, and she is excellent at it.

I picked how someone in the world of sports inspired you because Carin has encouraged me in many ways. One way is when you have a disability, tasks that would usually be easy are 10 times harder. She is putting herself out in the world. Shooting hoops, winning metals and building bonds with people. While I’m staying in my shell being too frightened to play because I thought I was not worthy, not good enough. On the other hand, there are impaired people that get bullied for being looking different. When they play sports or go to school or be themselves it shows that they are like everyone else. And when you pursue sports it takes hand-eye coordination, concentration, teamwork, and commitment.

For some disabled people, it is hard to hold a ball. It’s even harder to shoot it into the air. My favorite part of going to her house is when she escorts me to her room and shows me her medals and trophies. What I like seeing as well is her ribbons dangling around her neck on her lanyard. You can tell she is proud that she got a ribbon. No matter if it’s first, second or third place. In the words of Oprah Winfrey surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. I stand by this quote. Standing with Carin, I feel inspired.

Standing there with her energy, personality, and uniqueness, she pushes me. To work harder and try to make my dreams come true. She also encourages me to always believe in me and always be pleased with myself no matter what. She inspires me every day. I love her. Carin has raised me higher. I know that because next year I am without hesitation signing up for basketball and doing what I love to do!

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