American Music Sample Essay

  • Topics: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 340
  • Date added: June 4, 2020

Pat United states Music 10-30-00 Music Show Evaluation I My concert review took me to a new trend of music. I went to a concert at Dollars where a group known as Yelon was enjoying. They are a reggae group from Barbados, which is the position where many reggae artists come from. It was very exciting for me due to the point that I have never been started out up to this type of music. I was a little bit doubtful about it at first.

However, I must say that I experienced their efficiency. The concert contains performing and moving along with metal percussion instruments and beeps. They certainly conducted a rather exclusive design. They conducted a wide range of different songs. Some of the songs that I experienced were “Rest Situation”, “Tribal”, and “Generations”. The most exciting and interesting for me was when they conducted their music known as “Show and Tell”. During this music they permitted the viewers to get engaged with performing and clapping.

I really appreciate when any entertainer allows for the viewers to get engaged because it keeps everyone high energy. Through their songs, they provided the viewers a feeling of where they come from. In a feeling, they permitted for us to get into their nation. The discussed of their battle to create it and then to have their goals come real. They teach that you can arrive at your fortune if you commit yourself to it. Despite the point that I am not much of a fan when it comes to reggae music, I must say that this was a very excellent concert. I believed that they were very excellent entertainers.

Sometimes at shows you get little attempt from entertainers, which places a damper on a concert. However, this was not the situation. Yelon interested the viewers throughout the whole concert. They provided me a whole viewpoint of residing in Barbados, which was exciting. Overall, I am grateful that I was able to take in an excellent efficiency from an excellent group.

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