Additional Information Risky Essay

  • Topics: Essay
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 723
  • Date added: June 15, 2020

[This application tells you my class rank, my SAT I & II scores, and my GPA. It tells you that I was better at French and English than Algebra and Physics. But it doesn’t tell you who I am. No social security number or class average can do that. So this is my attempt to describe the real me. This is my story, an effort to make me more than a number.]

I am a daughter and a sister. My birthday is June 18th. I am a Gemini. I believe all daydreams can come true. I love to read. I volunteer. I hate math. I have always wanted to own a pair of ruby slippers. My room is always messy; my locker is always organized (go figure). I am quick to apologize.

I have a Varsity letter for Drama. I am a Daddy’s Girl (and proud of it). I cry at movies. I work in an ice cream parlor. I believe that life exists on other planets. I start humming Christmas carols the day after Thanksgiving. My favorite flower is Alyssum. I love spring. I am a really good poker player. I believe in God. I am very trusting. I love to laugh. I work well with kids. I ride all roller coasters with my arms in the air. I like to pretend I can draw. I collect dolls, books, and memories. I am a good friend. I am a National Honor Society officer. I love to sleep. I am a photographer. My scrapbook is currently more than 120 pages.

I believe in fate. I make a wish every chance I get. My lucky number is 8. I save everything. I am an actress; some would say a real “drama queen.” I still sleep with stuffed animals. I am afraid of fire, escalators, and loneliness. I will go to Paris someday. I eat way too much ice cream. I have my own phone line.

I am a writer. I am writing a novel now; someday I will write a bestseller. I enjoy listening to others tell stories. I am a hopeless romantic. My room is decorated with photographs, collages, and dried roses. I like to watch clouds. I get dressed up as often as possible. I procrastinate. I get embarrassed easily. I keep a journal.

I am not very athletic. I got a car for my 17th birthday. My best subject is English. I can watch Dirty Dancing six times a day and never get tired of it. I am a poet. I need a big tree to sit under and write inspiring verses. I have a childlike sense of wonder. I like surprises. I try not to take anything for granted. I am a bargain shopper.

I like school. I am an alto in concert choir. I have a puppy named Mindy. I am going to be an English teacher. I have four best friends. I am mature beyond my years, or so people tell me. I am Editor-in-Chief of my high school’s yearbook. I will never get tired of visiting Disney World. My favorite dessert is my mother’s strawberry shortcake. I think everyone I meet has something worthwhile to teach me. I always have the last word.

I doodle while I’m on the phone. I give people a second chance. I would love to ride in a hot air balloon. I sing loudly and dance around the house when I’m home alone. My mother is my heroine. I used to be a cheerleader. I read my horoscope everyday. I am creative. I have gone to a Catholic school all my life. I love to walk in the rain.

I love having my picture taken. I am an eternal optimist. My first house is going to have a white picket fence around it. I am good with computers. My favorite color is purple. I think “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” was written to describe my friends and I. I am a Peer Minister. My life is great. I know who I am. I know that I would love to go to Boston College.

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