Sample essay about studying abroad

  • Topics: Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 465
  • Date added: June 3, 2020


Essay topic

Many students prefer to study abroad. What are the reasons for this? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Sample response

Students from all over the world are interested in pursuing higher education abroad. In fact, the number of students who study abroad is steadily on the rise. Each year, international students spend thousands of dollars to travel, live and study in top universities and colleges in countries like the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Of course, the decision to study abroad has the potential to change a student’s life. Students prefer studying abroad because they believe that a foreign education is an investment in their future. And that is true.

Universities in the US and the UK consistently rank among the best universities in the world. This is a big draw for international students. What’s more, earning a degree from a well-recognized foreign university improves a student’s chances of getting a better job. In fact, even gaining admission to these prestigious universities is considered as an accomplishment in itself.

What’s more, the quality of education one receives from these institutions and the availability of world class resources are pretty high. It is no wonder then that most students want to graduate from these well-known institutions.

When you graduate from a well-known foreign university you can be assured of a successful career. Best employers all over the world are vying for students graduating from world-class foreign institutions. This provides very strong motivation for students to study abroad.

In the highly competitive job market, students graduating from foreign universities have an edge over their peers graduating from lesser known institutions in their own country. In many cases, these students receive plum job offers even before they complete their studies.

Studying abroad also helps students to gain a global perspective. They gain independence and mature quickly. In many cases, joining a foreign university is the first experience students have of living away from their parents and siblings. When they live in their own country, they have a strong support system consisting of their near and dear ones. When they live in a foreign country, they learn to adapt to unfamiliar cultural and social situations. Of course, they will have to overcome the initial cultural shock and homesickness. They also develop proficiency in a new language. Of course, these are challenging situations but they also help students to gain greater maturity and self-confidence.

In conclusion, the desire to study abroad is backed by several valid reasons. It is a well-known fact that students who study abroad reap concrete benefits. That is why many students gladly accept an opportunity to study abroad even if it means working harder and spending lots of money.

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