50 Winning cause and effect essay topics to get started

  • Topics: Essay
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 913
  • Date added: February 15, 2021

Academic life is hard since one had to constantly juggle to meet the deadlines plus prepare for the exam. However, the most difficult part is essay writing. Writing is an art and as per Shakespeare a pen is mightier than a sword but believe a pen won’t help you out in crafting an exceptional essay rather it will just help you write words. However, practice makes a man perfect so don’t lose hope and start practicing.

One good way to start writing an essay is to understand what the essay type demands. In a cause and effect essay, an essay writer is required to explain an event, a situation, or even a dilemma and then tell the readers about its potential consequences and ramifications. That wasn’t so difficult right. But wait you cannot write an essay without a topic. So it is imperative that you take your time and then choose a topic.

If you are assigned the task of writing an essay and still looking for topics. Or you want to excel in essay writing by practicing to write essays on various topics, then you are at a right.

Below is the list of 50 cause and effect essay topics that are categorized in a way that you can easily choose the one that you find more interesting.

So let’s get started.


    1. Impact of the Civil Rights Movement
    2. Causes of world war II.
    3. Impact of colonization on Britain.
    4. Causes of America Russia cold war.
    5. What are the causes of America and China’s trade war?


    1. Causes of bullying
    2. Impact of bullying on children’s wellbeing
    3. Impact of homeschooling on children
    4. What are the effects of standardized testing have on high school students?
    5. Is technology causing distraction in classrooms?


    1. Causes of the Big Bang
    2. Impact of global warming on climate
    3. Causes of mental illness
    4. Social media is the cause of depression among teens
    5. Social media and its role in body imaging.

Social issues

    1. Causes and impacts of bankruptcy
    2. What are the causes of homelessness?
    3. What causes poverty?
    4. Drugs addiction and its causes
    5. Impact of graffiti on neighborhoods.


    1. What are the causes of brand loyalty?
    2. Impact of celebrities on brand promotion.
    3. Effects of brands loyalty
    4. Impact of consumer behavior on online shopping
    5. Impact of social media on consumer behavior


    1. Causes of riots
    2. Causes of domestic violence
    3. Violent video games are the cause behind schools’ mass shooting.
    4. Is Gun control helping in deterring crime?
    5. Impact of regular policing in a community?

Environmental issues

    1. Harmful effects of carbon dioxide emission on the global environment
    2. Glacier melting: causes and consequences
    3. Effects of drinking contaminated water on human health
    4. Deepwater oil spill effects on marine life
    5. Industrial pollution: causes and impacts.

Ethical issues

    1. Genetic engineering: causes and effects
    2. Abortion: pro-life or pro-choice
    3. Cultural imperialism
    4. Effects of globalization
    5. Impacts of legalizing marijuana

Information technology issues

    1. Internet availability is the real cause of cyberbullying.
    2. Cyberbullying is causing depression among teens
    3. Artificial intelligence and its impact on future research
    4. Impacts of robots on industries
    5. Causes and impact of internet monitoring by government

Economic issues

  1. Causes of the great economic recession
  2. The economic impact of Hurricane Sandy
  3. Global financial crisis: causes and its potential impacts
  4. Impact of consumer behavior on traditional stores demands
  5. Impact of consumer behavior on the global economy

After skimming through the above list of topics you must have not only chosen the topic but already have started the writing process. But before you jump right into writing an essay remember! research is important. I repeat researching your topic is imperative since it will help you support the claims that you make while writing.

If you are still unable to grasp the concept of writing a cause and effect essay, then hire a professional essay writer. All you need to do is look for an authentic essay writing service and contact them. After that share the details of your assignment. And your work will be delivered to you timely.

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