The Struggle for College Essay Example

  • Topics: Essay
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 312
  • Date added: June 15, 2020

Making plans for school with no outside help is amazingly baffling and troublesome. Anxiety hits hard while considering the amount of cash schools need, and what is going to need to happen to get it. This information doesn’t suddenly seem to someone one day with a light over their head; they need to oblige the push to go out and chase it down. Not with standing the way that I have the right thought, such as, getting nice assessments and joining clubs, these things won’t help me in the event that I don’t have the money to go to college. I didn’t expect that the voyage of discovering cash for school would be such a troublesome event, and I never thought I would need a partner to get the money I needed for school. I deserve this scholarship because of the way I overcome issues that have showed up in my life.

One time, was the time when I was homeless. I expected my mother to help take care of me, but this isn’t what happened. I hunted down homes for us, and I considered how I could help us out of our condition. I would wake myself for school, and screen myself and my mother because of her inability take her medication without me.

Even when my uncle got guardianship of me, I continued moving myself toward a successful future for myself. I continually endeavored situation after situation. I did the best in my class, and took the most rigorous courses I could, while drilling others to help them better themselves. This scholarship will allow me continue with my education, and let me to give back to those people who struggle with school.

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