When going to college, some students may be off-putted by the idea of going to a private college because of the possible costs. Schools such as St. John’s College are making the decision easier for those who are interested in enrolling into a private college. St. John’s College in particular is offering financial assistance program. So, why should you persevere to get into private liberal colleges when there are public ones as well?
They provide quality education
Private liberal colleges have been known to provide high quality education, complete with adequate number of teachers for the number of students enrolled. The classes are small. So, each student is given enough attention and mentoring.
They prepare students for employment
Not only are these private colleges capable of providing great education but they also offer career networking. Students do not need to worry much about employment. Well, they still have to search for their jobs but the colleges help in providing networks and enough preparation for life after graduation.
They provide adequate student support
Overall, there is more student support provided in a small community. Students are given proper attention, support and appreciation that they need to be more confident and prepared for life.
With affordable private liberal colleges available, you can take advantage of the benefits given above. You do have to do your part, by doing well in your high school and with your SATs.