Advanced debating techniques to nail your next debate

  • Writer: Harold Shewmaker
  • Date: January 21, 2022
Advanced debating techniques to nail your next debate

A debate is a type of discussion that explores multiple points of view on a particular topic. During the debate, both sides give arguments to defend their opinion and criticize the opposite point of view. As a result, the neutral party, the judge, decides whose arguments are more convincing.

No matter how good a debater you are or whether you have excellent knowledge and experience in public speaking, you always need to improve your skills. Only a thirst for something new will allow you to be victorious in every dispute. Therefore, we offer you ten debating skills and techniques that will enable you to become the god of debate in the future.

Define Your Audience

You must clearly understand who will listen to your debate. Public opinion is no less valuable than judges. You may be stronger than your opponent, but what is the point of winning if the public does not believe you? Here are some tips for getting to know your listeners better:

Do a demographic analysis. Who are your listeners? What personal and group features do they have?
Do a psychological analysis. What do your listeners know? What are their views? What do they think about the topic of the speech?
Do a contextual analysis. Where and when do you perform? Why are these people listening to you?

The answers to these questions will allow you to build successful speech phrases that can positively influence listeners.

Preparation of Your Topic

The speeches that make the most significant impression arise from the fullness of knowledge. You need a large stock of information from which you can select the most necessary. Therefore, preparing for a debate topic is essential to our list of advanced debating techniques.

Use libraries, the computer network, expert opinions, and opinion polls to gather information. As a researcher, you should study information, look for data relevant to the topic of debate in various sources, categorize, analyze, and then organize all evidence into a logical and clear form.

Use the Most Important Arguments

It may seem to you that the more arguments in support of your ideas, the stronger you are, but this is not so. Not all arguments are of value in debate. You must select 5-10 statements to support your opinion. However, this evidence must answer questions from the public and completely disarm the opponent.

Anticipate Opposing Claims

This step may seem the most difficult in this list of debating techniques, but this method will allow you to improve your speech. Scattering evidence does nothing: try to tie your arguments into one big force.

Look at your opponent’s evidence. Being ready to face an opponent means professionally responding to directly conflicting arguments. Instead of rushing to the back alleys of powers, look at what they offer. Do the proofs suggest things in the proper context? Do some things make no sense? Here’s a good tip, most articles tend to backtrack and answer some of their own arguments, so take advantage of that!

Perfectly Know Your Evidence

A clear understanding of your arguments will allow you to determine whether what you have is garbage or usable. You must scrutinize your evidence because you must respond to the opponent’s arguments, and your arguments must be stronger. Don’t let your opponents use your evidence against you. Also, the judge will most likely give you a point for defending your thoughts – experts appreciate speakers who explain their arguments without a hitch.

Drop and Turn

What does the phrase “drop and turn” mean? Dropping arguments is a crucial step in our list of debating techniques tricks. This trick will free up more time for you to discuss the hottest topics and issues in the debate. If you find that a topic no longer matters in a round, skip it and move on to more meaningful ideas.

This extra time can be your strong advantage over another speaker. Argument reversal looks like this:

Opposition: The impact of doing this is stale memes.
You: TURN: the impact of doing this is dank memes.

Using this move correctly, you can become a leader in your listeners’ eyes.

Cast off Anxiety and Fear

Being angry at your opponent or afraid of being the loser is normal. However, your task is to convince the judge that your opponent is wrong. Use sharp questions, arguments, and examples. Feel the power in your hands, do not let your opponent use everything he has against you. Make the opponent doubt the truth of their judgments.

Speak Slowly and Clearly

Of course, the ability to speak clearly and correctly comes with experience, but keeping this advice in mind is also good. By controlling your words and emotions, you can think clearly and logically. When you stutter, bite your lip, shift your hands, or use parasitic words, this is a big minus in the eyes of the judge. Self-confidence is key: Judges will have difficulty believing you if you sound unnatural or have a shaky voice.

You can contact a professional if you need help writing persuasive debate arguments! Our experts will assemble the evidence and plan the debate so that you will enjoy any topic.

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