Admission Essay Example

  • Topics: Admission Essay
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 399
  • Date added: June 15, 2020

During my first year in middle school, my sister got in a car accident that sent her straight to the ER. She was in a coma for 25 days. She did survive but she is not the same. Kids at school told me she wasn’t going to survive and others said that she wouldn’t remember me when she wakes up, but I never listened to them. I believed with all my heart that she was going to be okay. I will never forget the first time I walked into her hospital room, she looked mangled. I almost fainted. Today I realize that this trauma shaped me into the person I am today. I was forced to have a positive outlook on the situation because the last thing my sister needed was to see her eleven-year-old sister break down crying. Seeing my sister so helpless made me want to help her. That is where my interest in the medical field began.

When my sister finally woke from her coma I was so scared to talk to her. I thought about the kids who told me she wouldn’t remember me, but everything turned out fine. She remembered me and was improving. Having a positive attitude throughout the whole accident helped me through school and sports. I am a downhill ski racer. I compete for a club team and a high school team. When I was very young my father taught me that when you lose, you do it gracefully, and when you win, you do it humbly. He told me that having a positive attitude will make people like you and make the atmosphere around you more enjoyable. He was right.

With a positive mind, I have fought to show my sister that she is going to be okay and I have gracefully lost in a sport I love. One day soon, I hope to bring my positive attitude to the campus of Michigan State. My family introduced me to MSU at a young age, and I have always admired its size. With more size comes more diversity. Despite all the hard work and long nights I will most likely face trying to receive my Bachelor’s Degree, I am willing to go to extreme lengths to bring my best attitude and thrive in whatever I am doing. This next coming fall, I hope to be able to call myself a Spartan.

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